Welcome to the School of Social and Political Science!

The School of Social and Political Science is an academic unit of the Autonomous University of Baja California. It was founded in 1964 as the School of Social and Political Science, but on May 24, 2000 it was transformed under the terms of the Article 11 of the General Statute of the University in an ordinary session, based on the provisions of Articles 3, Section VI of the Organic Law and 6, Section VII of the General Statute of the University.

It is joined by faculty staff , administrative staff and students looking for the development of teaching, research, cultural exchange and social services. We off er three undergraduate majors in Public Administration and Political Science, International Relations and Economics, and two postgraduate programs, the Master degree in Public Administration and the Doctorate degree in Government and Public Policy. Our programs off er students opportunities for unique learning experiences and community engagement, preparing them for post-graduation success in their careers or graduate education.


Empower undergraduate and graduate students in the application, dissemination and generation of knowledge in the Social, Economic and Political Science to achieve social transformation with responsibility and ethical commitment.


In 2030 the School consolidates its leadership in the northwest of the country in the application, dissemination and generation of knowledge in the Social, Economic and Political Sciences, with educational programs internationally accredited for their quality and social relevance.


To establish the guidelines for the development and improvement of the School from 2020 to 2024, through the defi nition of strategies and actions that allow the fulfi llment of goals, ensuring the quality and relevance of the undergraduate and graduate academic programs of the Academic Unit, in harmony with the policies contemplated in the Institutional Development Plan of the UABC 2019-2023.



Meet our key academic, research and professional staff . We are committed to delivering an exceptional curriculum and supporting both our staff and students to maximise their professional and academic potential.



Contact us

Opening hours: 8am to 8pm (PDT), Monday to Friday.

Vanessa Guadalupe Villa Villareal

 Phone: +52 (686) 689-0805

 Email: fcsyp.mxl@uabc.edu.mx

Address: Monclova Ave. Ex Ejido Coahuila. 21360, Mexicali